Introduction to the play
Quality Cattle is a performance set in a dystopian future where humans have destroyed the nature and all the animals around them and are thus forced to create a new world order within the new possibilities. In our vision of the future, Collins Quality Cattle is a world-leading Finnish company that produces a wide range of human based food and everyday products when other resources are unavailable. The audience participates an orientation day as the new employees of our fictional company. The main characters, Venla Lindberg and Linda Salovaara are the face of the company and guide the new employees in their future job as caretakers of the human cattle, a profession that has become the new norm. During the show, the audience will get to know the human cattle and familiarize themselves with their new jobs. The themes of our work are human rights, environmental protection and overconsumption. What are we prepared to accept when our interests and the standard of living we have achieved are at stake? Who has the right to determine the value of another human life? We want our audiences to leave the space asking themselves what kind of daily choices they make in their own lives and what kind of choices do they support from their governments. We approach these questions with a radical approach, but without quiltifying the audience. The audience is invited to participate the play with their level of choice - either purely as witnesses or as active counter parts.
The play has received the following commentary from our test audiences:
"The following morning we could not eat the bacon we had reserved for breakfast. It felt gross.. but in a right way."
"I was very sceptical walking in but ended up walking out with a lot of questions and food for thought."
"Abosolutely hilarious"
"It's a wild ride, it's a really amazing and an intense play. I had lots of fun, I recommend Quality Cattle."